Supportive Resources
Groleau also points out many women-focused groups and events at RBC Dominion Securities that have helped her grow, such as the Women’s Advisory Board and the annual Women Advisor Symposium. She explains they create a sense of community and provide an opportunity for advisors to learn from one another.
Catherine says there are so many great aspects to working at RBC Dominion Securities, but the most rewarding part is helping people.
“The feeling you get when new clients decide to trust you with their finances, or when you feel you really made a difference for a client with the advice and service you provided.” She adds, “You develop a relationship with your clients, and you feel like you can have a positive impact and make a difference in their lives.”
A word from our lawyers
This article offers general information only and is not intended as legal, financial or other professional advice. A professional advisor should be consulted regarding your specific situation. While information presented is believed to be factual and current, its accuracy is not guaranteed and it should not be regarded as a complete analysis of the subject matter discussed. All expressions of opinion reflect the judgment of the author(s) as of the date of publication and are subject to change. No endorsement of any third parties or their advice, opinions, information, products or services is expressly given or implied by Royal Bank of Canada or its affiliates.