Come Back to Better

Come Back to Better

Join a growing group of employees starting a
​​​​​​​second chapter at RBC.

Leverage the skills you built elsewhere at a place you already know you love.
Banking Advisor says returning to RBC “one of the best decisions he’s made.”

When Khai Tri Tran joined RBC as a customer service representative in April 2017, he wasn’t really thinking about where the job would lead. A recent Information Technology graduate of Toronto Metropolitan University, he was simply looking to enter the workforce.

But after a year and a half, his IT degree started to call to him, so he left his customer service job at the bank to join a Toronto-based British software sales company. While interesting, Khai says he just couldn’t see himself doing software sales for the next 20 to 30 years. It was “too linear” a path for him. He realized he wanted a career that offered diverse opportunities. Plus, he missed the culture, the people and the camaraderie he experienced while at RBC.

Khai shared his thinking with his former manager at RBC, with whom he’d stayed connected even after his departure. She suggested he take a look at a few of the branch openings back at RBC. The next thing he knew, he was meeting with an assistant branch manager and RBC human resources about a job in a branch – a role they said would help him chart a progressive career path at RBC.

In November 2020, about a year after he left RBC, Khai came back – this time as a banking advisor, a role that requires proactively engaging with clients and the community, advising them on a full range of financial transactions, while also identifying sales and referral opportunities. 

It wasn’t just the job itself that Khai came back for – the culture and the people of RBC made a lasting impression, too. Even though he knew he would be working with a new team, the experience he had with his first team at the call centre stuck with him and made him think he’d have the same positive experience the second time around, too. 

He was right.

“When I came back I was very, very fortunate to be placed at a Mississauga branch, which I think is one of the best,” Khai said, adding that his new team, including his managers, at the Mississauga branch has lived up to his expectations. 
Khai Tri Tran

It’s very beautiful being able to come back to such a happy vibe, where training and team-building are important. Returning to RBC is one of the best career decisions I’ve ever made.

Size and Strength of RBC Convinces Banking Advisor to Turn Down Competitive Offers

Within six months of joining RBC in September 2021, Mohd Fahim Amini a customer service representative at an RBC call centre, had an offer from two competing financial institutions. The jobs -- both for a financial advisor position – came with increased compensation and responsibilities and the prospect of taking on more complex tasks such as investment advice and building relationships with clients.

Intrigued as he was by the two offers, he felt he’d regret leaving. Even after such a short time with RBC, Amini knew he loved RBC. A psychology graduate from York, Amini did his own research about RBC’s size, and decided the prospect of continuing to work in an organization with the size, scale and resources would enable him to have multiple careers with a single employer.

Still, he spoke to his manager about his aspirations and his dilemma to quit or to stay and expressed his desire to progress faster in his career. Mohd’s manager heard him out and immediately connected him with her manager.

That’s when it hit me that if my manager and a senior manager are looking out for me to grow and guiding me to get there, why would I need to move elsewhere?

Mohd Fahim Amini
By mapping out a progression chart, Mohd says, his manager helped him take the next step in his career. He’s gone on to take various trainings that enabled him to take on new tasks, such as arranging complex retail lending, advising on mutual fund investments and facilitating refinancing. All of these are in addition to his regular remit of everyday banking including opening lines of credit such as credit cards and investment accounts. 

“I guess it is the culture of transparency that made it all work,” Mohd says of his experience. “If you’re not happy, just go and talk to your manager. Now I feel valued, empowered and happy.”
Come back to better!